River Basins

Why Model?

ToltHawk helps you model a river/stream/canal basin for

  • Predicting Floods
  • Monitor the short-term and long-term changes to the river channel

Device Location for Optimal Modeling

When using ToltHawk for river basin modeling, here are some tips to optimize your model:


Locate sensors 1 to 3 miles apart for better modeling and granular flood prediction.

Key Points

Place a ToltHawk sensor as close as possible to key points where you want to study or predict events like floods or other impacts of the river.

Meanders/River Curves

The best placement of the sensor device is above a point where the river water flows most of the year. In meanders it’s usually along the outer banks where the water is usually the deepest and flowing even in the dry season. The outer bank is also more susceptible to erosion and therefore you may have to relocate the device to compensate for the erosion.

Safety First

When installing or maintaining sensor devices near water please take the appropriate safety precautions including:

  • Installation/maintenance is at least a two-person project. A safety buddy should be watching over the installer from the bank
  • Wear personal floatation vests
  • Have safety rope/harness readily available
  • When working near trees use safety helmets
  • When working near bridges follow local safety and permitting guidelines
  • Pick a calm day with no flooding