ToltHawk’s Advantage

Why ToltHawk?

ToltHawk’s product goal is to provide you with an accurate, reliable, and low cost, solution to enable communities make better decision about its water resources and environment.

Here are a few highlights of why use ToltHawk ?

  • No-wires and no-calibration required
  • Easy installation
  • Only $995 and up (includes first year cellular & data)
  • Easy to use and free web and phone apps
  • Custom notifications
  • API to work with other software, including Excel
  • Non-contact (ultrasonic only), low maintenance, water level sensors
  • Efficient, long-life, rechargeable battery
  • Solar panel option
  • Zero-engineering, pre-configured, just flip-the-switch operation
  • Configuration from web or your smart phone
  • Machine-Learned analysis and prediction
  • 99% US and Canada coverage. Also works in 130 countries