ToltHawk’s APIs are extensive and available upon request. Our API’s return JSON data. Although most APIs require you to be authenticated, the below APIs are for publically available data.
API’s baseURL:
Note: Organization, Configuration, and Users requires a valid per-user key.
List of Regions
Get: /DashboardApi/GetRegionsForChange
Returns: List of public regions. If authenticated user, returns a list of public and private regions that you are entitled to
List of Locations in a Region
Get: LocationsApi/GetLocationsForMap
regionId: Id of a region
tzOffset: The offset of your local timezone in minutes. For example PST Standard is -480 minutes
Returns: List of locations, and data like lat & long, location Ids and location names
Location Data
Ids: One or more Location IDs
fromDateTime: mm/dd/yyyy format of starting local date
toDateTime: mm/dd/yyyy format of ending local date
tzOffset: The offset of your local timezone in minutes. For example PST Standard is -480 minutes
Get list of regions:
Get locations in region 7:
Get a location’s data: